We have had our asses kicked, but we got up this morning, suited up and are back in the breach.
The Eight Rule of Awesomeness is: Never Give Up!
There will come a point in your life when failure is not an option and at that point you will excel beyond the abilities you have prescribed yourself in the casual past. When there are no more options, you will do everything in your power to perform, get over and get back to the mountain top!
Why wait until there is limited time left to be everything you can possibly be?
We cannot allow others to put limits upon us...Let No One Stick a Finger in Your Face....
No one can prevent you from achieving that which today seems impossible; Especially You! It is only you who puts limits on your ability to achieve...and most often, we let these things overwhelm us. That by not believing that the sun has set on our discontent a final time we continue to wallow in that discontent.
The time is now to stop feeling sorry for yourself and limiting your potential accordingly. You cannot win unless you are willing to go head in and get punched in the mouth.
The only reason you cannot achieve everything you ever wanted is because you are afraid of being happy!
Every day is hard! Accept that and be part of the challenge; every day. It starts with a few hits, then you win a few games and over time (and with effort) your confidence becomes the drive...not your fear. You stop back pedaling and move forward. You come forward out of the corner and begin to hit back.....and you start feeling good and you want more!
Believe Not that Good Fortune is Given Out by Another. As of right now, You Are The Creator of Everything Sacred!
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure" - Marianne Williamson
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