The purpose of the 'don't forget to remember' blog and my forthcoming book 'unzip your soul' is:
Elimination of mundane frustration in pursuit of ultimate purpose
Unfortunately, I am better at giving advice to others than accepting it for myself. So in my beloved cyberspace I challenge, get pissed and question. My intent often misinterpreted. My frustration still getting the best of me from time to time. The thing is: I love working...my job, my industry, the people for whom I work, the customers I have the pleasure to service. No kidding; getting up early, staying up late and all of the effort in between is a pleasurable existence for your humble narrator.
What comes along with a stringent work ethic and the according competitive drive is an intolerance. A lack of ability to accept those who are not candid with themselves. A driving ambition to question those with badges and the merit upon which they received said badge.
Here's What I Know to be True:
* Hard Work Pays Off
* Listen More Than You Talk
* Know Your Target Market
You can earn degrees and certifications, take cutting edge leadership courses, and read a million books. But, if you are not willing to work really hard all the time, your odds for success are in jeopardy.
Nothing beats rolling up your sleeves. You cannot do this a couple days a week. If you consistently work hard and endure the cycle of success/failure; you will ultimately find riches. Don't give up!
Two Ears and One Mouth
Whoever said 'Selling is Telling' was wrong! In fact, most premonitions of sales are wrong. It does not take dynamic presentation skills, harsh negotiating skills or a knack for numbers. All you have to do is listen more than you talk.
1. Know your prospect
2. Ask questions that feed their needs into your services
3. Help them discover the solution
4. Differentiate a mutually beneficial strategy
5. Give them all the credit
Get in Where You Fit In
You cannot sell crack to a junkie if you have no street smarts...nor can you position your solution to a fortune 500 company if you do not have Global bandwidth.
The frustration in Sales comes from wasted effort. Don't waste your time trying to be someone you are not. Find the companies whose needs suit your solution based on size, industry and market. Never pursue a sale with people who are jerks in the selling process - they will be terrible customers.
Take my advice, use frustration as fuel for your effort and find what works for you.
Don't Forget to Remember!
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