Thursday, February 12, 2015

All That Wasted Energy

I would be hypocritical to disregard the power of the inkless pen. It has, however, become increasingly clear that we are running out of ideas.

Social media is not a forum to attack others, karaoke performers should not call themselves artists and the inability to manage effectiveness at the peak of critical performance should be punishable by dismissal.

We are running out of ideas for a few reasons:

The above is the first rule pronounced by Dale Carnegie in his book, "How To Win Friends and Influence People". Good Ole Dale has been dead for a long time but his lessons in Human Relations are as true to life as ever.

I am mesmerized at the behavior of "respected authorities" in social media. Experience does not earn you the right to be arrogant and people refuse to evolve the craft of social interaction because bullies hold their amount of posts as a badge of achievement. Just because you have played guitar every day for 10 years doesn't make you a rock star.

The people probably remember Beck's song "loser"... that is the worst song he has ever written. If you have a moment to visit the albums "Sea Change" or it's recently rewarded companion "Morning Phase", you will understand the meaning a person feels pouring their heart into a microphone while strumming a guitar.... Nothing is more holy! 

Those who are truly committed to their craft do not require trophies or accolades. They are comfortable enough putting their heart in a box with the hope that someone might make the effort to open it.

I cannot imagine the frustration Seattle Seahawks fans must feel. In the biggest game, in the biggest sport, at the most critical moment.... they fucked up famously!!!! The sports talk rivals of common sense have tried to pontificate on what was the worst play call in the history of sports. 

There is simply no excuse!

The six year old girls soccer team I coach are more deserving of a Super Bowl ring. Without a dog in the fight I am appalled by the lack of execution in the biggest moment in sports... and startled by the lack of outrage.

If you participate in social media to denigrate others, you are going to hell. Kanye West is a bitch. Pete Carroll should be fired. 

But, we are too polite to avoid the elephant that is about to sit on our collective faces. 

If you strive for originality you should celebrate the ideas of amateurs. In my opinion, they are much better than the pros.

Don't Forget to Remember!


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