This guy recognized my vulnerability and self doubt. He could have easily turned a cheek and let me wallow in pity. He knew I was capable of more, without even knowing me. This seemingly insignificant moment in time stuck with me. I appreciated the optimism and the validation. I was disappointed that I allowed myself to fall into the habit of weakness. Not because it's bad to expose vulnerability but because a birthday is not something to waste it on.
That's the trick! To know when your doubt is overwhelming your need for help. Exposing your humanity is much different than revealing your insecurity. We all need help but making uncertainty into a 'Daddy Complex' only depletes our existence.
I would ask you, dear readers, to be aware of the exposure point in others. To see in them their strength and to help them remember it.

It is incumbent upon us as audience members to encourage the performers.
You will ask...."is it fair for me to tell someone they are good at something if they are not"?
Response: YES!
Let them have it. Allow them to build their confidence. Everyone discovers their own truth at some point. We don't need to tell them they can't before they have a chance to try.
Don't Forget to Remember!
- Dave
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