Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Building The Foundation

What Keeps You Up at Night?

This question was once posed to corporate executives in an effort to understand their critical business concerns.

It's also a very human question.

Do you wake up at 3am to stare at the ceiling, your head pounding with concern over the day behind or ahead?

We all do....

What if I told you that the aforementioned concern is the primary fuel needed to make every day a little better?

When was the last time you sat up in bed pondering the amazing elements of your life and all you've done to earn them? Everyone else is waiting in the wings to throw punches at you, why buy their boxing gloves?

Stop beating up on yourself for what you haven't done and start celebrating what you have.

Life is tough.... we're called upon to work and raise good kids and take care of our parents (in the same way they did for us) and to manage our finances and to be responsible and to care for others while keeping the boat in the water.... it's a lot.

If you allow your critics a second of your time, You Are Doomed!

Next time you wake up at 3am, filled with worry, remember that little league championship you won or the time you went fishing with your dad or that concert that changed your life or... at least.... that time a friend made you laugh. You can start there.

It sucks waking up in a hotel room in silence with your mind creating a bunch of noise, it's easier to sleep with a loved one near by.


So, Then.....

Find somebody to love or at least surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Stop hanging around with people who leave you worried after every conversation. Of course, we should learn from our past mistakes but learning should be the objective.

People will line up around the block to criticize you, far fewer will come to your aid when you need help. Complaining never solved anything. Putting your life on-hold to help someone requires effort without the certainty of reward.

People who feel good do great things.

What do you need to feel good?

We affiliate strategy with the critical practice of self-evaluation. I'd like to think it's better to plan by remembering that which you do well.

Have You Forgotten What You Do Well?

Don't Forget to Remember!


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