Monday, April 30, 2018

This is 40.... 5

Friends -
The Mrs and I celebrated my 45th year on earth at Atelier Crenn a few days back... and it was glorious!

I guess I'm half way through this wonderful Merry-Go-Round called life so I'd be foolish not to share a few things I've learned to this point.


I  recall a poetry teacher telling me I couldn't write about Love or Death. She was teaching me to be more creative but I was bewildered... those are my two favorite topics. I quarreled with another teacher who told our class that love is a process not an emotion... she was right!

I guess people fall out of love or miss it because it takes patience and compromise. No one wants to believe that the best thing in life should be an affect of perseverance; but it is.

When you find it and you get it right you wonder how you ever lived without it.

It's inevitable. Get busy living.

I've only had 4 jobs in my 20 years of Corporate life. Every company I've worked for has given me ample opportunity to succeed. That's all I ever needed. I enjoy working. I enjoy getting up early. I like competing and I like collaborating even more. I'd like to think I've helped create some things that have made people's lives better. I hope the people with whom I've worked are happy for the experience.

You might some day get fired... you'll find a new job. If you hate work you should find a new profession. Life is way too short to wake up on any given day with the certainty in your mind that said day will suck.

All you have to do is be present. Listen. Show young people the same respect that you do your peers.

The least talented kid on the team will always get a big hit. The enlightened perspective of young people will always surprise you. You'll have to watch your children fail from time to time. You may have to stay out of the way when things aren't perfect in their lives.

For now.... I think my kids enjoy being around me. That's enough for me.

There is a song for every occasion. You might shed a tear in your car when a tune pulls on your heart strings. You might run a little faster when a great song comes over your headset. If you learn to sing and play guitar, you are far more likely to woo the girl of your dreams.

I live life with an Under Dog Mentality..... no where does this mentality find revelry better than on the field.

Sports are a divine metaphor for life.

You should find someone to love.... you'll be better for it.

You should not worry about death.

You should find a job you love.... you spend the majority of your life working, do something that doesn't suck.

Parenting isn't for everyone but if I can do it, you can too. Trust Me!

You should listen to a ton of music.

Occasionally the under dog wins..... nothing is cooler!

Be nice to your parents. Don't treat your kids as your subordinates. Give your brother a high five. Tell your sister you love her. Get a dog. Hug a friend. Stop arguing with people over social media. Pray don't Prey. Eat great food. Drink good beer. Exercise. If your spouse tells you that you're being an asshole, he/she is probably right.... no one else is going to tell you and they are only disappointed that you are acting out of character.

Travel. Practice fidelity. Get a pair of head phones.... they come in handy when annoying people sit next to you in an empty bar room.

Put a dollar in the jukebox. Tip well. Try not to be mean. Buy some cool shoes. Don't lie. When you mess up, own it. Actions speak louder than words. Do your fighting in the ring.


Don't be violent. Don't talk politics around strangers. Don't try to convince people that God exists.... they'll figure it out. Don't be a Philistine.

Watch Netflix.... there's great stuff on there.

Watch as many movies as you can. Attend plays not musicals. Try to eat healthy. Exercise. Allow people to be OK with who they are. Take a walk. Stick up for yourself. Listen to The Grateful Dead. Try to give people the benefit of the doubt but don't allow people to take advantage of you. Try weed. Don't try Acid. Trust Me!

Spend a summer cleaning pools.

Know that the one irreplaceable talent you possess is the ability to work hard. Work Hard!

Read books. Listen to podcasts.

Join a gym. Don't join a country club.

Learn to skateboard. Learn to surf. Be safe doing both of those things.

Hug somebody. Kiss somebody.

Be Kind.

Don't Forget to Remember


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